Your trusted complex litigation law firm in Pennsylvania

Offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Scranton, Lancaster & Penndel

Your trusted employment law attorneys with offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Scranton, Lancaster & Penndel

Your trusted employment law attorneys with offices in
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Scranton, Lancaster & Penndel


RUSSELL, PA Highly compensated employees LAWYER

The 2010 census reported Russell, PA with a population of 1,408 people. Russell is located about 45 minutes from Erie, Pennsylvania where Kolman Law, PC has an office they can meet with you in.

If you’re a highly compensated employee that has been wronged or unlawfully terminated from your career, please contact us.

Kolman Law P.C.
1001 State Street Suite 1400
Erie, PA 16501


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"Tim and his team were phenomenal. They guided me through a stressful process with knowledge and humanity and I got a great result "

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